Lessons Learned Hanging with Twenty Somethings


Lessons I Learned Hanging with w/ 20-Somethings

Let’s face it, Sex and the City changed how many women viewed the world. Before kids (BK) I was always Miranda. After kids and marriage, I found myself morphing into Carrie Bradshaw. I just feel like there are so many opportunities to develop and mentor young friends. Like the great Beyonce sings ‘ I'll be the roots, you be the tree, Pass on the fruit that was given to me. We are part of something way bigger’. I’ll be the first to tell you that everywhere I go I love to have, not just a good time, but a Great time. No matter if I’m at home with my family, with my girlfriends after work, or on set for my cooking show, I want to have all the fun there is to have. Let’s chalk that up to the NOLA Girl in me! You know how we like to let the good times roll. That is probably how I landed back into a 20-something-year-old friend group. 

These ladies don’t have husbands, they don’t have kids, nor a bustling 9-5. What could we possibly have in common besides irresistible beauty and flawless skin? Well, I’ll tell you, there’s the love of a crisp cocktail on a dewy summer evening, shopping until you simply can’t anymore, and just like me, they are always on the go (even though some days I feel like even they can’t keep up with me!) Regardless of the reasons for why we click, I have been re-learning lessons by watching these young divas.

Here a few of the things I picked up:

  • Never stop saying ‘Yes!”!

I always knew I had it in me to star in my own show, but that always sounded like so much work. I already have so much going on with my 2 kids that the idea of me starting something big, like a whole show, would take so much out of me. Then bam, one day one of my girls called talking about a project she wanted to start, with me as the Star-I WAS SOLD! When she said it’s going to be a cooking show, the foodie in me lit up! I was SUPER SOLD! Who was I to say no? The girls obviously have great taste in hosts. Sometimes, in this world if you want something, you have to let yourself have it. Now here we are 1 Season in and I’m trying to figure out what I want to do next because you really never know where these roads will lead but I am excited to find out!

  • I Can’t Hang!

I may be able to cover more ground than these ladies on a good day but I know that’s the hustle-mommy in me that wants to accomplish her day before going back home to her babies. That being said, I have to catch a major head start because see when 10 pm rolls around, this moma bear is ready to head back to her cubs..Maybe not sleep but I am definitely a RETIRED HOT GIRL. Whew chile, the exhaust. I love my girls but I can’t hang and drag the streets like I used to and that’s okay. I will gladly leave that to them. 

  • I am a Free Woman!

I am a proud wife to a loving and amazing husband, a mother to two beautiful and vibrant girls, and a free woman that is living in her truths and passions. The French call it “Femme Libre”. Most women wait until they are mid-life before they start to accept themselves for who they really are. My age has never defined me and it is starting to show with this group. I am not weighed down about how I should act, think, dress, or simply be. This is the age of free thinking! Femme Libre is all about being the best version of the age you are! 20-something-year-old me would be proud.


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